Monday, November 1, 2010

BFW 2010 day_3 / BNM 2010 dan_3.

Dragi moji, nije me bilo ovih dana... Pre podne arhitekta, popodne blogerka, vikendom Marina Arnaut... Ali sve u svemu adrenalin... Na dan 2 Amstel BFW nisam stvarno stigla otići, ali izveštaji sa ostalih slede...

Bila je to sreda i sledeći program:

My dear, there was no sign of me these days...Architect in the morning, blogger in the afternoon, Marina Arnaut. on weekends...But all in all, adrenaline rush...I really couldn't make it to the second day of Amstel Belgrade Fashion Week, but here are the reports from the others...

It was Wednesday and the program was:

mesto održavanja / venue: Belexpocentar
19:00 Viktorija Džimrevska/ Tatjana Stanković / Aleksandra Pecić
20:00 Be Underwear by Bugatti Vesna Matijević
21:00 N Fashion predstavlja No excess/ Staff jeans & co/ Freesoul
21:30 N sport predstavlja Puma

Meni je sve nekako bilo uzbudljivo, šareno i dinamično... Ali posto nisam modni kritičar već arhitekta sa interesovanjem za modu :) to je sve što ćete dobiti od komentara od mene... Fotke neka govore po 1000 reči pa uživajte...
Takođe modni blogeri su generalno novost za svest modno osvešćenih ljudi u Srbiji pa su naša mesta bila u IV redu te će fotografije modela biti retke i to uglavnom one kada nas je najdivnija plava hostesa ubacila u prvi red, tu negde kod Farmera, Cece, Isidore Bjelice i drugih :)

Mnogo bolje fotke (by pravi fotografi) su na Facebook strani AmstelFW

For me, everything was exciting, colorful and dynamic...Since I'm not a fashion critic but an architect interested in fashion :) that's all you'll get from me when it comes to comments...A picture is worth a thousand words, so enjoy...
Also, fashion bloggers are generally new to the fashion-conscious awareness of people in Serbia so our seats were in the fourth row, hence there won't be so many photos of the models, mostly ones when the loveliest blonde hostess slid us in the first row, somewhere between Farmers, Ceca, Isidora Bjelica and others :)
Much better photos (made by real photographers) are on the Facebook page of AmstelFW

zapamtite ovaj cvet_pojas... kasnije ću vam pisati o njemu... :)
remember this flower-band...I'll write about it later on.. :)

Anjini detalji
Anja's details

Vanjini detalji
Vanja's details

manekeni na Bugati reviji...
models at Bugati fashion show...

A zauzete devojke to nikako ne smeju da gledaju... :)
And not available girls cannot see that... :)

Detalji haljina Darka Kostića na izložbi u holu...
Details from Darko Kostic's dresses at the exhibition in the lobby...

Pumina razigrana revija. Aplauz za manekene... :)))
A delić atmosfere u ovom mom kratkom videu finala revije... Samo za vas...
Puma's playful show. Big applause for the models...:)))
Part of the atmosphere in my short video of the show finale...Just for you...

Hvala najdivnijoj Amstel Twitt ekipici levo od ulaza koji su obezbedili veliki TWITT WALL i wireless u Expocentru (ali i karte za ostatak naše ekipe preko FaceBooka i Twittera) kako bismo mi twittali sa lica mesta, a te naše mudrosti bile viđene... JUBAC DRUGARI! i outfit za kraj:

Big thanks to the lovely Amstel Twitt crew (left from the entrance) that provided a huge Twitt Wall and Wireless in the Expocentar ( but, also the tickets of our crew through FaceBook and Twitter) so we could twit from the spot, and our wisdom could be seen on the wall...KISS for the FRIENDS! And my outfit for the end:

P.S. Veeeeliko hvala preslatkoj Ivani na outfit fotkama svojim genijalnim fotoaparatom... Pogledajte njen Flickr album OVDE.

P.S. Huuuuge thanks to the cutest Ivana for the outfit pics with her brilliant camera...Take a look of her Flickr HERE.

TAKOĐE VAS MOLIM DA ODETE NA FB page AMstelFW i lajkujete stranicu, a onda na OVU moju fotku u njihovom albumu pa i nju LIKE... Mozda dobijem novi fotoaparat u ovoj slatkon jagradnoj igri ako vas bude puno! Hvala srcici... :)

I would also like to ask you kindly to go to FB page AmstelFW and like the page, and then like THIS photo of me in their album...LIKE me... Maybe I'll get a new camera in this cute prize game if many people like me :) !

BFW outfit: farmerke i kožna jakna _Pull&Bear, tunika_ H&M, čizme_ Kowalski, ešarpa i ogrlica_ no name, sat_ Swatch, prstenje_ Police i P...S...

BFW outfit: jean and leather jacket _Pull&Bear, tunic_ H&M, boots_ Kowalski, sash and necklace_ no name, watch_ Swatch, rings_ Police i P...S...

:* by Marina

translation by Aleksandra Paljić
outfit photos by
Ivana Aleksić


  1. And now listen to me in turn. You have touched me more profoundly than I thought even you could have touched me - my heart was full when you came here today. Henceforward I am yours for everything....


  2. Super su fotke zenska :))) Drago mi je da ste se super provele :))))



  3. :) sve, sve ali meni je twitt wall bio naj naj
    prilazili su mi ljudi juche da me pitaju shta se to dehava i zashto je moja slika na nekom wallu hahah
    well serbian fashion&twitter.
    not gonna happen :D
    tako da je i IV red napredak
    no da ne duzim vishe moram i ja da napishem post :)
    p.s. mrrrzzzim revije sa koreografijama. eto rekla sam.

  4. jel misliš na Pumu ili na one štule juče? :P

  5. Marina odaj tajnu- gde naci ovu divnu no name ogrlicu???? :)))

  6. @Anonymous Odacu tajnu za nekoliko postova, prekosutra već... PRATI! :)

  7. Vidim da je na pisti bas bilo veselooooo. :D
    Moram da ti kazem da me ti i Anja stalno zbunjujete! Da ne pise ispod ciji su detalji ne bih mogla da pogodim. :))))
    I da, bas su dobre outfit fotke! ;)

  8. Odlicnooo malaaaa! cmoooooook
    p.s. ne mogu da prezalim sto nisam ostala na PWL-u, kakooo je dobra revija, mislim da bih sama nosila sve ove komade, trenerke su savrsene a i ove kape krznene!!!!konacno da neko voli da nosi trenerke na tako bleskast nacin! :)
