Friday, October 29, 2010

A single man by Tom Ford...


Pre neko veče gledala sam film "A single man". Film je delo pregenijalnog Tom Forda (poznatijeg kao dizajner za Gucci koji posle toga dizajnira one super naočare). Meni je Tom odavno i mnogo bolje poznat, jer je čovek nešto kao univerzalni umetnik savršenog stila i osećaja. Ovo moje mišljenje dokazao je i filmom o kom govorim. Film je pre svega nosilac umetnosti fotografije, stila, mode, a tek onda umetnosti filma, režije i glume.

Ne znam kako vam ovo zvuči, ali pogledajte film, pre svega trejler i shvatićete, nadam se, šta sam htela da kažem. Colin Firth je sjajan, kao i uvek. :) Kao i onaj mali Nicolas Hoult o čijoj sam vam sjajnoj saradnji sa Tom Fordom već pisala OVDE.

Trk po neki ukusan čaj i kolače pa brzi klik na play i uživajte u malom remek delu.

I watched “A single man” the other night. The movie is a work of supergenious Tom Ford ( better know as a Gucci fashion designer and he designs also those great sunglasses). I’ve been aware of him even before, because the man is something like a universal artist of perfect style and sense. My opinion has been confirmed by the movie I’m talking about. The movie is above all a holder of art of photography, style, fashion and then of the movie, production and acting. I’m not sure how all this sounds, but watch the movie, actually watch the trailer first and you’ll realize, at least I hope so, what I was trying to say. Colin Firth is great, as ever :). As well as that kid Nicolas Hoult, about whose great collaboration with Tom Ford I have already written HERE. Hurry up, grab some tasty cup of tea and cookies, then quickly press play and enjoy this lovely master piece.

:* by Marina

translation by Aleksandra Paljić

Thursday, October 28, 2010

BFW 2010_ day 1/ BNM 2010_ dan 1.

Hvala Amestel Fashion Weeku tj. organizacionom timu istog za obezbeđene karte i Press pass... Ja sam na otvaranju bila, videla, uživala, fotkala i sada vam impresije prenosim kroz ovaj postić... Uživajte...

Thank you Amstel Fashion Week i.e. organizational team for the tickets and Press pass... I was at the opening, saw it, enjoyed it, made photos and now I'm giving you my "impressions post"...Enjoy...

Otvaranje je održano u utorka 26. 10. 2010. u Vili Kralja Petra I, na Senjaku u vidu modnog performansa, žive izložbe, pod nazivom MODNE VINJETE. Izloženi modeli kreacije su Tamare Radivojević, Dejana Despotovića, Dejane Momčilović, Tijane Pavlov, Aleksandre Žiravac i Natashe Plum. Opšti utisak: VELIKA GUŽVA u malenom foajeu, ali prilično uzbudljivo i interesantno... :)

The opening was held on Tuesday 26. 10. 2010. in Kralja Petra I Mansion, on Senjak. It was a fashion performance, live exhibition named FASHION VIGNETTES. The exposed models are the creations of Tamara Radivojević, Dejan Despotovića, Dejana Momčilović, Tijana Pavlov, Aleksandra Žiravac i Natasha Plum. General impression: HUGE CROWD in small lobby, but pretty exciting and interesting... :)

Anjac moj i Miloš MIMIMASO...
My lovely Anja and Miloš MIMIMASO...

Vanjini detalji (krvavi Chanel by RINGeRAJA)
Vanja's details (kbloody Chanel by RINGeRAJA)

Anjini detalji...
Anja's details...

Preslatka Vanja se foto_razgibava samo za vas... :)
Sooo cute Vanja is doing photo-exercises just for you... :)

Nenašminkani na BFW? Ne, nikako... :)
Not wearing make-up on BFW??? No way... :)

moj BFW outfit... Sa obzirom da je padala kiša i bilo smrzavajuće hladno i nije loše... :) jel da?

BFW Outfit:
haljina_ Zara, čizme_ Zekstra, kaiš_ Stradivarius, torba_ Glum up, sat_ Swatch, prsten_ H&M, prsten dijamant_ DIY (RINGeRAJA), narukvica_ by
Vanja (gift_ hvala draga!)

P.S. OOOOBAVEZNO učestvujte u GIVEAWAYu prekrasne Ane na njenom blogu OVDE... Ana poklanja super_kul rajf... :)))

BFW Outfit: dress_ Zara, boots_ Zekstra, belt_ Stradivarius, bag_ Glam up, watch_ Swatch, ring_ H&M, diamond ring_ DIY (RINGeRAJA), bracelet_ by Vanja (gift_ thank you darling!)

P.S. Be sure to participate in GIVEAWAY of lovely of lovely Ana on her blog HERE... Ana gives away super_cool hair-band... :)))

:* by Marina

photos by Vanja and me
translation by Aleksandra Paljić

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

DIY ribbon necklace... / Uradi Sam traka ogrlica...

What you need: satin strip (6cm), bejeweled strip (6cm), thread, scissors, lighter

Traka sa ukrasnim kamenjem izgleda ovako.
Bejeweled strip looks like this.
Ima ih svakakvih u svakoj pozamanteriji (sa pljokicama, sa cirkonima, sa perlicama,...) Ja sam uzela dužinu od 2m i platila oko 250 din.
You can find it in every haberdasher's shop (with spangles,beads or glitter). I took one 2m long and paid it 250 dinars.

be sure to burn the ends of the satin strip so it wouldn't fall off
Trake pričvstite jednu za drugu čiodama pre ušivanja kako se ne bi pomerale...
Secure the strips, one to the other with pins, before stitching so they wouldn't move...

Stitch the strips up, one to the other, on both sides
Stitch the bejeweled strip onto the satin strip in the middle, on both sides

Znači, imaćete ukupno dva 4 šava sa zadnje strane... :)
This means that you'll have four hems on the back side... :)

I TAAAA-DAAAA, gotova je moja prekrasna ogrlica...
And voilà! My beautiful necklace is done...

Jel da da nije teško?
Zaista nije, a dobijate prelep komad nakita. Čak se može upotrebiti kao mali šal ili pojas za struk... :)

Jel vam se dopada?

It's not that hard, right???
It really isn't, and you'll get a fine piece of jewelry. You can even use it as a shawl or a waist band... :)

Do you like it???

INSPIRACIJA: Ogrlica glumice Rachel Bilson :)
Inspired by: the necklace of the actress Rachel Bilson :)

:* by Marina

translation by Alksandra Paljić